Leslie Olivares
Sales Manager
Cell: 252-6178492

Living in New Bern for almost a decade. Leslie has an affinity for building relationships with her clients that extend beyond their business and advertising needs…she wants to know them! Her goal is to always find a marketing campaign that matches every client, no matter how big or small, or how unique.

Leslie has grown up with sports. Dedicating her Sunday’s as a kid to watching her dad play baseball and now once a week she watches her dad and siblings play slow pitch. Even though her passion is music and acting Leslie knows how to be a die hard fan…of who ever is winning.

Give her a call today and let her begin building your business’s relationship with 252 Radio!

For any other comments or suggestions for our radio stations, please contact:

Office Number: 252-633-1490
Mailing Address: 1202 Pollock St. New Bern, NC 28560